Thursday, November 20, 2008


Where is God in the midst of everything going on? Financial markets are failing, people are losing their jobs, friends are sick, etc, etc, etc. It's been a while since I've blogged. Fact is, I've been preoccupied. Why? My life revolves around everything negative going on in the world right now. I see it every day. I deal with it every day. I don't want to watch the news. I'm tired. Wounded. This is exactly where Satan would like for me to be, but the truth is Satan is the accuser. And Jesus is my defender. Because of HIS sacrifice, God can look upon me as a clean vessel ready to be used. And that's all I have to be--ready and willing. Truth is, I've not been very willing lately. I've just been trying to survive, and that's not where God wants us to be. There is so much more than just survival mode. All of this JUNK has gotten me sidetracked and now I'm on my way back on the narrow way. I had a college professor explain our walk with God like this. Draw a straight line and then draw a wavy line right on top of it. When we first start following God, the curvy line swings back and forth in a big way off track, and then as we progress in our walk, the times off track don't get quite so far away. Where is God? He is sovereign and right where he's always been. I'm the one who has been away, panicked and worried--nowhere near to where his plan for me is. God is God and I am not. His ways are much, much bigger than my ways. God is my rock and my savior and he's in my heart. That's where he is.

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