Friday, April 3, 2009


Seems I'm always waiting on something. It just comes in cycles. Waiting on God to do this or that, to see just what he has in store. For months I've been waiting in a career situation. Now that it has been resolved and I've seen God work all the way through it, I'm waiting on something else. This time it's a family situation. Family is not perfect--we know none of us are. Sometimes the waiting is fearful. Sometimes it is painful. Sometimes it is exciting. Right now, it's painful. It hurts my heart. But in the turmoil I look up to God and know that I must honor him by praising his name and abiding in his joy. He has a plan and I'm just a very small part of it. There's a much bigger picture. I know that he has to work his purpose in each of us and in our families.
I was talking to a friend of mine today, and that's where she is--waiting. Her husband has this plan and dream of a business for them. She's fearful. But, by honoring God by following her husband, God's plan will surface. Following and waiting is fearful. It's like stepping off a cliff and free falling--because we're not in control--God is. Isn't that where we want to be? In HIS plan. Here's to the free fall and the liberation it brings. I trust YOU God. Not my thoughts, fears, or reservations, but what YOU have in store!

Listen to the song "While I'm Waiting" on John Waller's website--powerful!

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