Friday, February 27, 2009


AH HA!! That's the moment I had this morning. Amazing when that happens. I've been in a valley and kept questioning...WHY????? And, today, God finally showed me. All of this time I've been trying to figure it all out. What great sin is in my life? What am I not doing right? Why am I here, at this place God? It wasn't anything I had done, but a work he was doing IN me.

Isn't that just like we humans? Trying to figure it all out--what have WE done? It's all about us, right? NO NO NO! God speaks loudly, but we are too busy listening to the lies of how incapable and ill equipped we are and how we are destined for failure. These are the lies, the whispers in our ear that we yield to, when God has SO MANY GREATER THINGS FOR US!!!!

God speaks in many ways, and to me it is in music so many times. A friend and I were talking a whiile ago about this valley I was in and she quoted some words to a song:

"...(His) Love's like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy..."

That's where I was, feeling like I was about to break, and then--it happened. Just like a sunrise peeking over the hillside was the light I was looking for. And today, here I sit, basking in the joy and love that only God can give.

As I drove to work this morning, I was listening to this song (the same one my friend quoted from above). God began to show me. He opened my eyes. It's not all about you or where you are or what you've done, it's only about HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU and how I want you to KNOW that--REALLY KNOW THAT!!! Here you have been knowing that I love you, but not living in it. And, oh my gosh, when his love rushed over me it was so OVERWHELMING!!!! He loves us that much...more than we could ever imagine.

Don't just know it--live in it! He Loves Us, Kim Walker

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